Thursday, November 10, 2011

Drawings and a Paper Mache Flower

I haven't posted anything lately, so here come some of my most recent drawings and a flower I made at art.
This is a drawing of Taylor Swift I drew one or two months ago.
Another drawing of Taylor :)
My flower. Its quite fragile, so one of the petals is about to fall off.
What do you think?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taylor Swift

Yesterday I did a drawing of Taylor Swift. Not my best, and I didn't use much time on it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Angelina Jolie

I just finished a drawing of Angelina Jolie. There are many mistakes but I only used 45 minutes on it. 
Do you think it looks anything like her?


Earlier today I did some origami :

Self portraits and wigs

On Wednesdays I go to art class, and a few months back we made wigs that women in the middle ages used to wear. We made self portraits of ourselves with all this make-up on, and that was very difficult. Two weeks back we were in a show in Haakonssalen. We walked around the stage wearing costumes, the wigs we had made and carrying our self portraits.
We were wearing all this blue eye shadow,  eyeliner and bright pink lipstick. I think we could have been clowns instead of women from the middle ages.
Here I am wearing the wig that I made.


Pastels and sketches

Yesterday I made two pictures out of pastels. To be honest, its the first time I've used pastels so the pictures aren't great.
This is the night sky. It didn't really work out....

Yesterday I finished my sketch book, and quite a few of my sketches of people only have one eye! Csaba said that could be my trademark. 

What do you think of these pictures?